Wetheriggs would not be possible without the support of our amazing team of volunteers. The majority of people working at Wetheriggs are volunteers, giving up their own time to help out at the centre. Volunteers undertake a variety of different tasks including feeding a range of animals, cleaning out enclosures, enriching animals, building work, keeping the site tidy, painting, working in the shop or office and any other jobs needed.
Volunteering work can be a great addition to any CV and can be a very rewarding experience. You will get to see and work with many amazing and varied animals and staff alike. Some of our current volunteers have been working with us for two or three years and still enjoy working at the centre.
All we ask of volunteers is that they are hard working and willing to get stuck into any job including many cleaning tasks. Many people think working with animals will just involve feeding and handing animals, but there is much more to the day than that.
If there is a particular skill you have or a particular area you'd like to work in, let us know. Maybe you're a builder, electrician, painter or gardener? We are always looking for volunteers to help with non-animal related tasks such as site maintenance and building enclosures. We are never short of jobs for anyone.
We are looking for people with a keen interest in animal care to help with the day to day routines including feeding, cleaning out and enrichment. You don't need any previous experience working with animals as full training will be provided.
Caring for animals can be hard work at times, but is very rewarding, often fun and is a great way to meet new people.
We need a lot of help with building and maintenance work including building new enclosures and fixing and building new sheds in the paddocks. The majority of our building work is done with wood and wire mesh. Volunteers do not need previous experience but it always helps. We need people who are confident with basic construction work and using various power and hand tools. Jobs required will vary week to week.
There are no set days for any of this work to be done. Volunteers can come in any day to help out. If you are interested in helping out and would like more information, please get in touch, or come and see us in person at the centre for a chat.
If you have any free time and would like to spend it at Wetheriggs, we would love to hear from you! Please give us a call or send us an email from the Contact page, or why not come for a visit to the centre and speak to a staff member in person who will be happy to give you more information.